Hylton Preschool

Preschool Banner

Contact Us

Ms. Aman Zaidi
Preschool Teacher
[email protected]

Ms. Balraj Kaur
Preschool Teacher Assistant
[email protected]

Daily Schedule:


8:30 Arrival

8:40 Greeting/Opening Circle/Morning Message

9;00 Breakfast/Brush Teeth

9:20 Large Group/Literacy/Music and Movement

10:00 L/A - calendar- instructional learning - all subject areas

10:30 Small Group Time

11:00 Outside play- water break-count
1:25 Worktime Centers

12:00 Clean up/Transition to Large Rug

12:30- clean up
12:45 transition music- put out cots
1:00- Nap
2:00 worktime

2:30- Recall Clean Up/Goodbye Ritual/Closing Song
2:45 Dismissal-


As always, please do not hesitate to email should you have any question- HUGS

Ms. Zaidi and Ms. Baur