9th Grade Seminars

For syllabus and seminar schedule please refer to the Canvas pages. If you don't have access, contact your gifted education teacher - Claudia Sattler.

In 9th grade, students encounter a new level of gifted education services: the high school seminar is designed to develop students' critical, conceptual, reflective, and collaborative thinking processes. The over-arching theme for the year is "Order and Disorder", more specifically, "Order in Human Activity" (what people do) and "Order in Human Identity" (how people are). Within this framework, students will examine how people have structured their ideas into systems and how they have lived within the structure of these systems. While evaluating these systems, students consider if man discovers a natural order in the universe or if man imposes order on the universe.

9th Grade Seminars

Referral for Gifted Services

Peers, faculty, and parents are always welcome to refer a student for evaluation for gifted services. In addition, a student may nominate himself/herself. Please see Mrs. Sattler in room 255 or 256 for a referral form.

Please contact Claudia Sattler with any questions or requests for additional information about the gifted program.